Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Pencils, Pens, Markers…Oh My!

By: Lisa

I wanted to share a really neat website that provides unique office materials. Usually work will pay for your materials, but they are always basic and from the same company. So I wanted to branch out a bit and while doing a quick search one night I came across a website called See Jane Work. Yes, it does lean more toward the “ladies” crowd but it provides different materials that fit your cube, or office décor. After an hour of looking through the website, I fell in love with each design! I finally decided to treat myself to a cute little pen holder. It is part of the Vinea design and I felt it would accent my new fabric perfectly. It’s another way to make your cube part of your work life.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

...And Say Goodbye to Mine (Junk Drawer)

By: Jill

Lisa is one of those girls. Blessed with insane beauty, sharp wit and clearly as evidenced by her post below, an unparalled metabolism (the girl is THIN, Poptarts and all!).

Well, then there is me, Jill.  I like to refer to my build as extra medium!  And my will power as extra none!  So while Lisa is snacking on Poptarts, I have begun a program called The 4 Hour Body based on the book of the same name below:

Basically, you spend six days a week eating meals consisting of protein, vegetables and legumes.  No white carbs. No fruit.  BUT you do get one cheat day where the mantra "anything goes" applies.  YOU BETTER HIDE THOSE POPTARTS GIRL! My cheat day is coming.

Welcome to My Junk Drawer

By: Lisa

I’ve come to realize that no matter how hard I try, I will always have junk food in my cube drawer. It’s inevitable and I’ve come to accept this.

What is your hidden junk food? Do you feel ashamed to have it hidden in your cube?
I was…but not any more!

I never have one set item because it changes all the time depending on my mood. A few months ago you could've bet money and won that I would have at least 3 full bags of Snickers Fun Size candy in my bottom drawer. Snickers was the front runner for a while, but today standing with a bright shiny light beaming over it was my new obsession. It called out my name from aisle 7 in Target. It was the limited edition Pop Tart. Looking passed the artificial flavoring I focused on the fact that they got fun-fetti cake in a little pop tart. I held this box for a while and contemplated buying it. did have 8 vitamins and it’s limited edition.

Ok…sold! Mr. Confetti Cake Pop Tart…welcome to my junk drawer.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Cover Those Gray Walls

By: Lisa

This is one of a few entries that will include the inside of my cube. I realized that we spend the majority of our life staring at blank gray walls, or whatever color your cube might be they are boring and depressing. We are human beings and we are capable of expressing our interests in any way we feel, so why not spice up your cube and make it into whatever you want?

When I moved into this cube back in December my goal was to cover the walls immediately. My previous cube had these tiny walls where you could see the heads of each person around you, so I couldn’t do much but cover the walls with photos. The tall cube walls are nice because they offer some privacy, although it’s still not the luxury of an office where you can shut your door and go away for a while. Here, the wall is always open. So I decided to think of a way to make this my own place. I almost tried apartment wallpaper, but the sticky back layer would not stick to the fuzzy cube wall. My next thought was to spend a little more and get fabric. I didn’t want to go too bold for fear of giving myself a headache, so I found a light green fabric with large cream colored flowers. It’s busy, but it doesn’t scream migraine. As all our readers will find I am a huge old movie fan, so when it came to deciding what I would frame in my cube it certainly included Cary Grant, Grace Kelly, William Powell and Rita Hayworth. I bought three white frames from IKEA for $15 each and put classic movie posters inside.
Marshalls is also an excellent store to find unique frames so I bought a couple different colors and put some family photos inside.

Soon I will be covering the rest of the walls with probably a light cream color to get rid of this gray. Like I said before, it’s a slow process, but it is fun and makes coming to work so much better. Stay tuned to more updates and changes from inside Lisa’s cube.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Mouse Pad : To Have or Have Not?

By: Lisa

I never understand how anyone can work without a mouse pad.

At one time everyone needed one because the mouse contained that teeny tiny ball that always collected dust particles, and you would have to sit there and clean it out with a very sharp object. I could be dating myself, but how frustrating was it when the dust would crust along four little rollers so if you were trying to move smoothly along the computer screen, it would keep skipping and pausing! Ugh…that was a nightmare.

Not anymore!

Now, computer “mice” illuminate one very powerful laser-light which only means one thing…no more cleaning! We can now move gently over a soft surface without the hassle of "dust crust" catching or skipping your arrow throughout the screen! So, the question arises: do we need a mouse pad?

After asking several co-workers, the final decision was 50/50. The new laser mouse is designed to move just as smoothly along the table top as it would over a soft mouse pad. Most workers use whatever the company provides them. Usually that consists of a boring circular pad with the company logo. I say expand out and express yourself! Buy a mouse pad that reflects who you are and what you like. Think about have to glance down and see it at least a million times a day, so why not put something there that makes you happy.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What's (as in Food) in Your Cube?

By: Jill

A study from ComPsych, a provider of employee assistance programs, found a significant correlation between balanced nutrition and at-work energy and productivity. 

For the most part
For the mostest part ha!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Plants & Productivity

By: Jill

Research shows that having plants within your peripheral view while working on a computer can reduce stress levels and increase productivity by 12%...hmmm, guess flowers do not fit into this study? Because ever since I put beautiful tulips in my vase on my desk this morning, I haven't stopped looking at them. Wilted productivity you might say...And yes, I did buy myself flowers for Valentine's Day.  You must love yourself first :)