Friday, February 24, 2012

The Mouse Pad : To Have or Have Not?

By: Lisa

I never understand how anyone can work without a mouse pad.

At one time everyone needed one because the mouse contained that teeny tiny ball that always collected dust particles, and you would have to sit there and clean it out with a very sharp object. I could be dating myself, but how frustrating was it when the dust would crust along four little rollers so if you were trying to move smoothly along the computer screen, it would keep skipping and pausing! Ugh…that was a nightmare.

Not anymore!

Now, computer “mice” illuminate one very powerful laser-light which only means one thing…no more cleaning! We can now move gently over a soft surface without the hassle of "dust crust" catching or skipping your arrow throughout the screen! So, the question arises: do we need a mouse pad?

After asking several co-workers, the final decision was 50/50. The new laser mouse is designed to move just as smoothly along the table top as it would over a soft mouse pad. Most workers use whatever the company provides them. Usually that consists of a boring circular pad with the company logo. I say expand out and express yourself! Buy a mouse pad that reflects who you are and what you like. Think about have to glance down and see it at least a million times a day, so why not put something there that makes you happy.

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