Tuesday, February 28, 2012

...And Say Goodbye to Mine (Junk Drawer)

By: Jill

Lisa is one of those girls. Blessed with insane beauty, sharp wit and clearly as evidenced by her post below, an unparalled metabolism (the girl is THIN, Poptarts and all!).

Well, then there is me, Jill.  I like to refer to my build as extra medium!  And my will power as extra none!  So while Lisa is snacking on Poptarts, I have begun a program called The 4 Hour Body based on the book of the same name below:

Basically, you spend six days a week eating meals consisting of protein, vegetables and legumes.  No white carbs. No fruit.  BUT you do get one cheat day where the mantra "anything goes" applies.  YOU BETTER HIDE THOSE POPTARTS GIRL! My cheat day is coming.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, legumes! Love the legumes!

    Just as we exist in our cubicles, legumes live also in a symbiotic relationship with bacteria in structures called nodules on their roots. These bacteria are able to take nitrogen from the air, which is in a form that plants cannot use, and convert it into compounds that the plants can use.

    Similarly, as we type away in our (gray) cubicles (nodules), we are drawing air and converting that effort into... a paycheck where more legumes can be purchased and consumed. It's a beautiful thing.
